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Leadership, demonstrated by Jonathan Kelham:

Leaders Of Men
LEADERS OF MEN ANIMATION The hand drawn and rudimentary animation incorporates the juxtaposition through montage, of specific English figures and bumbling cartoon characters to develop the notion of alternative worlds, narratives, dialogues and spaces with a concern for a particular sense of the intentionally constructed portrayal of a romanticised Englishness. Whilst the use of the record by post-punk band Joy Division [An Ideal For Living EP, 1978.] provides a potential for creating a ambiguous narrative or contextualisation of the hybrid characters, generating a contradictory dynamism to these lumbering figures.
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Autor/in: Jonathan Jonathan Kelham, United Kingdom, 30.05 16:57
BIOGRAPHY JONATHAN KELHAM Jonathan Kelham was born in1986, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, UK. Receiving a BTEC Foundation Studies in Fine Art from Hull Collage [2006], later undertaking a BA [Hons] in Fine Art at Birmingham Institute of Art & Design [2009], including being awarded the Sir Whit ... etc. etc.
> achtung falsch verlinkt!!! - wildprovider
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