Ted Davis besinnt sich auf den Grundgedanken des Pixelstorm-Awards, und präsentiert digitale Netzkunst: ein Beitrag der nur auf dem Web funktioniert: |
[ panic attack ]
| 2:07 | ascii web-based film |
A visual representation of a [ panic attack ] effecting the pulse + amplitude of the heart.
Created using javascript, css, and html, it manages to output a short film which null + voids the need for fancysmancy video streaming technology.
Link zum Beitrag
Autor/in: ted davis,
05.04 05:48
designer/artist/slashuser from california, usa - now residing in basel while pursuing an MFA in vis_kom through the basel school of design HGK.
i find great joy in exploiting readymade scripts and modifying them to create something unique + unintended by the original composer.
> [ works best in safari.. so please use that ] - tDavis > I like it - mr. mr > wowowowow!! - jinsu Kommentar hinzufügen...