bigger brother renfah
"the exhibition “BIGGERBROTHERRENFAH” somehow went strange…although
there was a worldwide advertising campaign, people would rather start
to obey and worship – than just look at the nice pix…"
icons and pop art are in fact most common denominators in modern
society, thats why I chose the icon of my pseudonym as transregional
carrier of irritation...who is this? is this an ad? what is it for?
these are questions that arise…
to meet in disco impossible
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Autor/in: ren fah,
11.04 11:28
> hm, weder die fragen sind fr mich eine unmgliche diskothek oder relevant, noch ist das bild berzeugend. sorry rennfahr - wildprovider > yeah renfah - just did it - go go go go
- superbossss > ge- ni - al - medienkunst trifft concept - trifft web 2.0 - trifft public space - trifft ins auge - trifft die gesellschaft !!! - ruffy Kommentar hinzufügen...